Fonejacker. Didn't really think about using this for my digital media research until the other day, but well its good animation. Simple imagery, but the content and voice over makes it hilarious.
I am still amazed by their work. They cover all areas that to me make good design, the idea, the crafting, the talent and the skills. Coinstar is like a vending machine for your change, it swaps all your coins for notes. The animation picks up on the idea off all the hidden change lying around you don't think about, and what it could actually be worth.
Studio Workshop - Introducing Time (this should have been posted a few days ago!) So, how do you count to ten? Actually harder than you think in the terms of storyboarding. Looked at quick ways of putting out designs onto a time line. (pictured above)
For the moving type animation. Have decided on the final type for the transform, these are some hand drawn sketches. The first three images show me using the camera to experiment with how to have the word appear onto the screen. The rest of the images show me experimenting with composition.
Game design - not something that is immediately interesting to me. But looking at the simplest of games designs, they are still effective and become addictive! The aim of this game is to slide the red block out of the box. Its actually quite hard.
"Clicking on a PES film is to open a safe and suddenly see a million ideas glittering and exploding," says Director Michel Gondry. "The only reason you close the door is to re-open it just after and discover what will pop this time." - Paste Magazine, 2008
I love this. It is just so clever. Makes me wonder how they came up with this idea. And if they can give me some tips! They have come up with objects to represent each food item, they even have the sound effects down to a tee. They animation is titled - 'Western Spaghetti'
Flying Pizza Kitty - a digital comic, that has the style of a computer game. Simple animations that are very effective. Not my kind of style or something I am particularly interested in, but is good to look at all aspects of digital media to see what is out there.
This is a web design page take from the website - 'lounge lizard' There website graphics is based on image of a bar, as if they are the bartenders. They use beer mats as links to direct you to other sections of the site. The loading page is a pint of beer that slowly fills up. I like the graphics, but i am unsure why they have chosen a bar? It does not seem very suitable to me, especially after seeing that they have alcoholics anonymous on their client list! However, the graphics are really good, and I like that they have chosen a theme that runs throughout the website. And it is instantly appealing, definitely going to get the attention of clients. I would love to have a website of this standard!Something that's a bit different.
A bit of website design now. This is from the Johnson banks website design, portfolio page. It is titled 'climb the work tree' You use your mouse to drag your way up the tree. And it includes a description when you hover over the image.
This is the opening page, and it the highlighted words take you to different sections of the website.
Al pacino's speech on GOD all in typography. I have mixed feelings about this animation. It looks really good, but I don't think it fits with the speech that well. The first half works really well, spreading the distance between letters to make it sound slower, extending letters to make them last longer. But at points, the designer has just but it in the place or angle that looks the best rather than the one that fits the dialogue the best. I like the -'touch but don't taste' bit when then don't taste seems to sink and dissolve and shrink, which matches his tone exactly. I kind of get lost in the animation, and not pay attention to what is actually being said. Is this good or bad? Does this not stop what the message actually is, and is just there to look good? I would have thought the type was there to help aid the message and put the message across more successfully and visually.
"A typographic animation of Citizen Cope's song "Let the Drummer Kick" (Software: Adobe After Effects 6.0)" Starting point - I love the opening sequence, how the type, let the drummer kick, is repeated over and over, in time to the beat, and how it overlaps, so that the text becomes unreadable. But you can still see the new text. He has added a bounce affect to some of the words too. Each set has a different starting point, but they each start to appear at equal intervals and all remain on the page. Once it goes into the stronger beat, the text is enlarged to fill the screen and is rotated to a few times, fitting in with the beat. I also like how it ends the same way it started, it feels like it is a finished and carefully planned out piece. FEEDBACKS ON YOUTUBE: 'this one actually makes sense and has relevant animations that both fit the song and look really cool.'
The first thing that appeals to me in this piece, is the colour and the typeface. Very earthy colours, and a strong bold sans serif font. I like all the type stays on the page, it is just added and the view angle is zoom is changed. When it zooms out, you can see the rest of the "old" type. I don't know it intended to do so, but it reminds me of a map when it zooms out, which related to the film. Its really interesting how this designer uses the frame, the type is rotated quite alot and he makes good use of the set frame. All the type seems to fit together like a puzzle.
Saturday, 6 December 2008
This is a animation I found on you tube, by a student working on a similar module to us, using adobe after affects. Was interesting to see his take on digital media, he has done an introduction to a show hosted by him. I like how the images work in time and in beat with the music, perfectly on queue. He has chosen the name of the show MEDIA EXPLOSION - and to link with this has chosen a tune that has some "explosive" beats, and the text appears to explode on the appropiate sounds. My favourite bit of this animation is when the butterfly comes to life, and flies across the screen, this must have taken some time to do in after effects. The majority of this animation seems to be computerised and not much had drawn image, I think I am more drawn to the ones that use a mixture of media.
Another type animation. This is really affective as the words relate to the dialogue and is basically a visual way of representing what is being said, the volume, the tone, the person, its clever how much can be portrayed from an animation of type. Even without the voice over the top, you would get the same sense of drama and excitement. It just all flows really well, the timing is perfect. The texture on the type adds to the anger of the character, and when he starts to speak more clearer and directly, the texture is removed to show straight edged text, he is trying to get to the point of what he is saying.
I think this style works well with the film, as it has a childish hand drawn style to the drawings, and the film focuses around a teenage pregnancy. I like the mixture of photography and hand drawn and how it blends into the actual film when you watch the whole thing. This is the style of animation that I seem to be drawn to the most, a mixture of medias, hand drawn and photography.
"Everyone and everything is always moving about in NY City. The clip takes you through the city blocks. It is an exploration both of type and motion to illustrate a bit of the New York experience and the New York vibe. It is a summation of my personal and first trip to the city. Thanks for watching! Done in Flash CS3"
Street art turned into a stop-motion animation on public walls in Buenos Aires and in Baden (this apparently took several months - i don’t doubt it) This must have required alot of patience and commitment to create! I just cant stop watching it!
I like the mixture of sound and image on this animation, there is a different effect for each description, but then goes back to the same beat to make it all the link. I would not have thought changing the style of image (photography, illustration..) so often would work so well. But it does work as the style is appropriate for for each thing. He has also done really imaginative ways of presenting and animating, he has thought outside the box. He must have also done alot of research for this, asking people.. what is procrastination?
"Intervelometer, by Team DAK (Deniz Merdanogullari, Aparna Kapur and Kunal Sen) won ‘Best Picture’ at the 2nd Annual Trick 17 Stop Motion Animation Contest where 18 teams had 52 hours to make a 1-3 minute film. I also have to mention that they are recent graduates of Emily Carr University, because I went there too!"
This is such a good film, and shows that you need to have a clear concept before going ahead with your moving image. They will have had to plan this out completely before filming it, doing story boards etc, otherwise it would not have been put together so well. I just wonder how this idea came to them! And if they were given any restrictions to help them come up with this idea. Impressed.
Today, we had a induction in after effects, i seemed to pick things up pretty quickly. I touched on animation briefly at A-level, but with different software, i think it was director and they seemed to work in a similar way with the Timeline.
My very first animation...
Obviously nothing to write home about! Just trying to get the hand of the software.