Friday, 5 December 2008


Intervelometer from Kunal Sen on Vimeo.

"Intervelometer, by Team DAK (Deniz Merdanogullari, Aparna Kapur and Kunal Sen) won ‘Best Picture’ at the 2nd Annual Trick 17 Stop Motion Animation Contest where 18 teams had 52 hours to make a 1-3 minute film. I also have to mention that they are recent graduates of Emily Carr University, because I went there too!"

This is such a good film, and shows that you need to have a clear concept before going ahead with your moving image. They will have had to plan this out completely before filming it, doing story boards etc, otherwise it would not have been put together so well. I just wonder how this idea came to them! And if they were given any restrictions to help them come up with this idea. Impressed.

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